Thursday, September 12, 2013

Calorie Restriction? Good? Bad? - Who knows?

Good Morning,

Here is a great example of why sorting through information to get to the truth can be so difficult. Check out this very interesting link.

I've been hearing all about how calorie restriction is a path to longer life, and yet this Time article from 2012 shows that the research isn't all that clear after all.  It tends to keep me on the path of moderation in all things.  My goal remains to exercise, watch my weight, eat well, focus on things that keep me happy and keep my vices to a small roar.  

Please let me know what you think of my philosophy and this article link.  I'm very interested in conversations.  


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

JohnnyO's Top 5?

Hello and welcome to my new blog.  My name is Johnny Ozelius and I am a healthy 51 year old man.  I'm also a father, a musician, a writer and a very active "young 51".   These writings are about my quest to Feel Younger - while Living Longer. I want to be one of those old guys who are still running marathons and writing books when they are 90.  I want to do so many things.   Why not?

Some of my friends bond with me when I tell them about my interest in living a long, active and fulfilling life. Some people give me the confused, "what are you talking about look", and others scoff and ridicule my outlook.  I get all of it, but my goal is to connect with those of you out there who are interested in getting every last drop out of life and living it to the fullest.

I intend to keep up with the latest research on on what keeps us feeling younger, on new drugs good and bad that will help or hurt us and I want to know more about what keeps our brains active, alert and fully aware.  Please interact with me as we continue down the great journey of life.

Live Free or Die,